
Is "GOOGLE STORAG CA 10/02" fraud?

Written by Jemina Owen-Jones

April 18th, 2024

About "GOOGLE STORAG CA 10/02"

YouTube Premium is a subscription-based service offered by YouTube. It has been in operation since June 2018. YouTube Premium provides users with ad-free access to YouTube videos, along with offline playback and the ability to play videos in the background on mobile devices. Additionally, subscribers have access to YouTube Music, a music streaming platform.
  • GOOGLE: The name of the company or entity involved in the transaction.
  • STORAG: The nature or type of the transaction, which in this case, might refer to storage-related service(s) provided by Google.
  • CA: The location or country code where the transaction took place, which in this case, might stand for California.
  • 10/02: The date of the transaction, specified in the format of month/day.
  • Find & fight fraud from anywhere

    Verify With Receipt

    The best way to tell if this charge is fraudulent is to find the receipt. You may have an electronic copy of the receipt, which you can finding by searching in your email accounts for YouTube Premium.
    Or, if you want to automatically find and reconcile receipts so you never worry about fraud, you can use SimplyWise to automatically match all bank and credit card transactions to email and paper receipts. The app instantly reconciles your expenses and flags anything that doesn’t match.
    Step 1

    Connect your email

    Download the SimplyWise app and connect your email account. SimplyWise will search through your emails and find all the receipts in your inbox. This allows you to understand what exactly you are paying for when you see a bank transaction on your statement.
    Step 2

    Connect Your Bank

    Connect to your bank account/credit card transactions through the secure (256 bit encryption) Reconciliation feature within the app.
    Step 3


    Reconcile the charges reported by your financial institution against what you’ve recorded in your SimplyWise account. Find fraud quickly! SimplyWise will match your transactions to your bank/credit card spending and check those items off.
    SimplyWise Community Comments
    Harold Peterson
    3 months ago
    Looks like I had the same charge! Phew, glad it was just a legit purchase after all. Always good to double-check though.