Is "Electronic Deposit Stash Capital (S" fraud?

Written by Lily Tran

June 18th, 2024

Medium Risk

What is "Electronic Deposit Stash Capital (S"?

Stash is a company that was founded in 2015 by Brandon Krieg, Ed Robinson, and David Ronick. It is a digital financial services company offering a range of services, including banking through Stash Invest, a micro-investing platform combined with a cash management account, and Stash Retire, an IRA and Roth IRA platform. Stash aims to simplify investing, make it more accessible for beginners, and reduce financial barriers for any interested parties.'

  • "Electronic Deposit" indicates that the transaction was made electronically.:
  • "Stash Capital" refers to the recipient or source of the deposit.:
  • Verify if this transaction is fraud in 30 seconds

    Stop worrying about fraudulent charges

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    STEP 1

    Connect Accounts

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    SimplyWise Community Comments


    I got this transaction an hour ago. I almost fell for this scam!

    5 days ago


    I called my bank and they said to reset all my passwords and get a new card.

    2 weeks ago


    I just got an email about a $200 transaction that I don't recognize. I haven't made any purchases recently. Has anyone else seen something like this? What should I do?

    1 month ago


    Received an email with a transaction notification for a service I never signed up for. It looks legitimate but I'm really worried. Could this be a scam or a mistake?

    2 months ago


    I found a charge on my account for an amount I didn’t authorize, and I got an email confirmation for it. I'm sure I didn't make this transaction. How do I resolve this?

    5 months ago